
2010-01-10 7:15 am
佢冇可能同飛機有一樣o既speed 同 acceleration, o係咩俾force 佢呢?

O甘係咪即係冇FORCE 的COMPONENT 由飛機俾蒼蠅? 因為佢冇掂到架機,反而係空氣,令蒼蠅同飛機有一樣O既SPEED?

回答 (4)

2010-01-11 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
The fly is flying in the air inside the aircraft. The aircraft is a closed body and the air inside moves at the same speed with the aircraft. Just imagine if the air inside is not moving together with the aircraft, you would feel a very very strong wind when you are travelling in an aircraft. To the fly, it will just feel the same as if it is flying in still air.

This explains why when we are travelling, e.g. in a train, if the windows of the train comparment are open, we usually fell very strong wind blowing towards us. It is because the wind, which comes from outside the train, is initially not moving, hence has to pick up speed in order to go with the train. This produces the wind that we felt when we sit near to the open window. We won't feel such strong wind if we are travelling in a train compartment with all windows closed.
2010-01-14 7:38 am
佢冇可能同飛機有一樣o既speed 同 acceleration, o係咩俾force 佢呢?

its force from the air in the aeroplane.
appart from acceleration,its that important of inertia,
all the things inside the aeroplane have same displacement as the aeroplane,
as inertia,
when the aeroplane moved and the fly moved,the inertia affect the fly from the aeroplane,is a force to stop the aeroplance,since the inertia,the fly will fall in the front of its own location,
2010-01-11 6:57 am
2010-01-10 7:17 pm



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