Since she went on hoilday ??

2010-01-10 12:57 am
I have not heard from her since she went on holiday. ( 我由她放假到現在都沒有聽過她的消息. ) 解得對嗎?
You could have stayed with us. if we had kown you were coming. 一句是 Present perfect tense, 一句是 Past perfect tense. ( 如果我們之前知道妳會來, 妳可以留下和我們一起, ) 我解得對嗎? 但我覺得好像有點趕客的意思,

回答 (4)

2010-01-10 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

但 You could have stayed with us. if we had known you were coming 這句文法有誤。這兩句其實應該是一句,is 後的 full stop 要刪去。整句的意思是說:「如果我們早知你會來,你就可以住在我們這裡。」絕無趕客的意思,因為 you 根本沒有住在我們這裡,何來趕客?
2010-01-14 3:17 am
support 002

the second sentence is talking about something in the past that have not happened. this condition refer to condition 3 in english grammar.
2010-01-10 11:49 am

2010-01-10 2:39 am
兩題你都解得對 我並不覺得有趕客的意思

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