Was being repaired ??

2010-01-10 12:19 am
1. The car was being repaired. ( 為什麼中間有個 being ). 如果寫成 The car was repaired. 不可以嗎?
2. She would have been delighted to see you. ( 同樣問題, 點解中間有個 been )
3. It could not have been wrong. ( 可不可寫成 It could have not been wrong. )
4. Where are she be going? 同 Where could she be going? ( 分別在那裡 )
5. be and been ( 後面好像跟任何東西都可以. )

回答 (3)

2010-01-10 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
be, been, being

1首先你要知道一d tense 既被動式
The car is being repaired(係現在進行式的被動式,指車正在修理)
the car is repaiired

2 has been delighted (現在完成被動式)
has delighted(現在完成式主動式)


3could have been delighted
任何時態,前加 modal verb/AUX.會有別的意思

4其實be,been, being 多數後跟形容詞 (其中past participle 其實都係形容詞)也可跟noun的
his leg has been broken(adj)
it can be a problem(NOUN)
it will be exciting to play that game(ADJ)

5. Where are she be going? 同 Where could she be going? ( 分別在那裡 )
冇where are she be going因為be=is am are was were,一個句子冇可能冇兩個的。>>where is she going

where could she be going>>is correct
參考: ME
2010-01-10 11:49 am


2010-01-10 12:53 am
1. being = 被,車是被 修理,而不會自已修理

2. 同上原理, She delighted because of see you.

3. It could not have been wrong.不可寫成 It could have not been wrong.

4. Where are she be going? = 她會到哪裡?
Where could she be going? = 她還可以到哪裡?

5. 需要視乎be 同 been 放系句子的位置, 所以5系可以跟任何東西

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