salon整唔整到相中髮型? 點同髮型師講?(10分)

2010-01-09 8:29 pm
salon整唔整到相中髮型? 即係好滑, 髮尾曲.
係咪陶瓷曲髮黎GA? 咁滑GE


唔要廣告!!!!!!! X_X

回答 (4)

2010-01-13 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
要用陶瓷電會滑d,但都要看你本身把頭髮靚唔靚,一定要把頭髮靚先可以電到咁滑,我之前試過大半年無電髮,所以把頭髮好健康,果一次電陶瓷曲髮真係靚d滑d,而且果次我係用d比較好的藥水,可能因為咁我果次電到一個好鐘意既髮形,我d朋友個個都話要去電,而且可能個間salon好,我d朋友電完都ok ,你可以去試下,他們在灣仔道 240號地下 叫 pi salon 電話 21172860 我唔係廣告X_X
2016-04-20 7:01 am
2010-01-11 1:24 am
2010-01-09 8:53 pm
I do not know where you are living. I can do whatever hair style from any stylish books as I was specially trained in US from beauty school, then by top hair stylists. But I have retired already.

I've seen many hair stylists who only learn a few hair cut and called themselves specialists. They can only cut a few styles and design for their clients.

Whether you can wear a certain style depends on the texture of your hair, the length and whether you know how to take care of it after you go home, including blow dry, gel or hair spray.

2010-01-09 12:55:14 補充:
The picture you show is soooooooooo simply. Just a piece of cake.

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