
2010-01-09 6:21 pm
我有陣時玩緊onlinegame時部電腦自己重新開機!!是咩事呢?同埋有陣時我玩緊game果時無神神個mo停左係度!!滑鼠郁唔到!跟住我就整熄部電腦!!再開返有時佢會彈出一d 我睇唔明既英文!!有時就開機果時部機既燈有著但係個mo 冇晝面!!係咪冇更新驅動程式既問題???我部機2005年買未更新過驅動程式!!有時電腦提我咩虛擬記憶體不足???有d人話係電源既問題???姐係點呀?

回答 (3)

2010-01-18 8:35 pm
可能部電腦太熱, 你睇吓把風扇係咪封塵, 所以散唔到熱... 我之前都試過係咁...

Becoz you did not shut down the computer following the normal steps. So when you start the computer again, the message will pop up, saying that the computer was not shut down in proper way, it will need to scan the computer again before it can start Windows. OR you may choose to normally start the computer from the list of choices.
參考: Own experience
2010-01-12 1:17 am
即係點?.儲定錢換底板啦,重有火牛,如果粒 CPU太舊款,連CPU都要換埋, $2000左右啦
2010-01-09 6:26 pm
你可以上驅動程式ge 網子down 個更新


after更新, then ok!!!!

^ ^
參考: me

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