Who is going to sign the last top players in the free agency market?

2010-01-09 5:03 am
Who will sign Adam Laroche, Bengie Molina, Jhonny Damon, Jermaine Dye??

回答 (5)

2010-01-13 3:07 am
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probably the nats. thats where everyone that has no options wind up.
2010-01-09 10:26 pm
The Mets have an offer on the table for Molina but he wants a 3-year deal and they won't give him one, but now he has no alternatives. LaRoche, I read, is a clubhouse malcontent, Damon wants too much money, but I see him going back to the Yankees, and Jermaine Dye has seen better days.
2010-01-09 3:52 pm
Adam LaRoche-Orioles He Declined the Giants offer Giants are now Looking at Jermaine Dye im Sure Orioles will give him the Right Deal

Bengie Molina-Mets It Looks Like they are Ready to Offer him a 1 Year or 2 Year Deal

Johnny Damon-Yanks Yanks will Offer him a 1 Year Deal to Start in LF

Jermaine Dye-Giants Like i said with Adam LaRoche Turning down the offer and now they are Looking at Dye to Take over LF


Jose Valverde-Tigers Tigers Offered him a Contract and Are the Team that Really Does need a Vetern Closer

Vlad Gurrerro-Rangers He Was Offered 1 Year 7 Mill i Believe and i Think he would be a Good Fit playing at DH and he can still play some OF for them

Mark Mulder-Brewers That are Very Interested in him
2010-01-09 2:47 pm
I like to answer questions, but look at that motley crew, who really cares. Jermaine Dye, I would not want on my team. Damon wants too much money and always does bad the first year after he gets that big contract, refer to his first year as a yankee. Adam Laroche and Bengie Molina are mediocre players and should sign with someone like the nationals so they can be their superstars...lol
2010-01-09 1:17 pm
Vladimir Guerrero.

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