10mL of 1.0mol/dm-3 sodium chloride is added to 15mL of 0.75 mol/dm-3 silver nitrate solution.?

2010-01-08 3:28 pm
what is the limiting reagent (although i believe it is silver nitrate) and what mass of solid product will form?

回答 (1)

2010-01-08 4:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
moles NaCl = 0.010 dm^3 x 1.0 mol/dm^3 = 0.010
moles AgNO3 = 0.015 dm^3 x 0.75 mol/dm^3 = 0.011
NaCl is the limiting reactant
moles AgCl = 0.010
mass AgCl = 0.010 mol x 143g/mol= 1.43 g

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