( Three explain ?? )

2010-01-08 5:33 pm
1. I told him that nothing was going to happen to me.
2. The car that I drove was a Ford.
3. The man who came into the room was small.

( I try explaining above sentences.)
第二句: 我駕車,我是 Ford. ( 我唔知解得啱唔啱, that 是否代表 car, 上面這句很怪,drove 和 was 又可以放一起? )
第三句: 小小的男人進入room. ( who 代表The man 嗎? 點解不直接寫 The man came into the room was small.

還有 I try to explaning above sentences. 還是 I try to explain above sentences. 還是上面 括號 這句才對...不會三句都不對啩??

回答 (2)

2010-01-08 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案

第二句的結構是一句主句 main clause 加一句子句 subordinate clause 合成。主句是 The car was a Ford(這架車是福特)而子句是 that I drove(我駕駛的)。這句子句是用作形容詞來形容 car,所以這子句屬於 adjective clause。這子句一般都應盡量貼近它所形容的東西,否則會做成混亂。

第三句的結構與第二句一樣,主句是 The man was small 而子句是 who came into the room。假如按你所說寫作 The man came into the room was small 便變成沒有主句和子句之分,而整句有兩個動詞 (came 和 was) 是不正確的。
2010-01-08 11:57 pm
001 Good explanation.

I try to explain above sentences.

Try 是動詞,to explain是infinitive,所以explain不能用-ing。只有當前句係有to 的phrasal verb才會見到用-ing.

I "look forward to" explaining the questions to you.
I am "subject to" explaining this situation to the president.

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