請教Account 題目!!

2010-01-08 11:25 am

which of the following statement is incorrect?

a) purchases of machinery should be entered in machinery account

b) purchase of typewriters should be entered in office equipment account by a typewriter dealer who bought some for business use.

c) purchases of goods should be entered in stock account

d) Drawings means money, goods or anything belonging to the firms , taken out of the proprietor's private use.

睇落 4 句都好似係o岩, 都唔知答邊個好.
請指教下, 同解釋一下

回答 (2)

2010-01-10 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
c) purchases of goods should be entered in stock account is incorret

when we purchases of goods we should open purchases accout and creditor accout/ bank account
2010-01-08 3:37 pm
a) depends. If you entered purchase of machinery in this account, it means that you would use it for business purpose for more that one accounting year without intention of resale at a profit. It would be different for trading firms that buy and sell machinery for resale purpose in the sense that machinery is their inventory which should not be entered in machinery account.
b) correct
c) It is correct for perpectual inventory method, but incorrect for periodic inventory method which debit purchase account for purchase of inventory.
d) correct

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