Algebra help: Solve 6 times x/2?

2010-01-07 10:10 am
I seriously had a brain fart and for the life of me can't remember what to do.

回答 (6)

2010-01-07 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
= 6x/2
= 3x
2010-01-07 10:24 am
6(x/2) = 6x /2 = 3x
2010-01-08 11:45 am
Solve 6 times x/2?

6 times x/2 = 6*(x/2) = 3x ........... Answer
2010-01-07 10:23 am
6 * x/2

= (6/2) * x

= 3x
2010-01-09 7:42 pm
The important thing to remember when you have a mental blank with something like this is to imagine you have numbers instead of letters because they behave in exactly the same way.

6 x 1/3 would be 6/3. now look at what you have done. you have multiplied the whole number 6 by the top of the fraction and left the bottom the same. so it is with algebraic fractions so do the same thing and you get

6x/2, now divide bottom into top because 6x/2 means 6x divided by 2, and you get 3x so the answer is 3x
2010-01-09 3:16 pm
Take brain Beano

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