Look forward ??

2010-01-07 8:50 pm
為什麼 ( look forward ) to 後面的 ( verb ) 要加 ING ....
有冇其他 好像 look forward 的詞 to 後面的 verb 又要加 ing...

回答 (7)

2010-01-16 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When "to" is a preposition, it can be followed either by a noun or by gerund.
(because the verb follow preposition need to add -ing.)

for example:

I look forward to our travelling.
I look forward to meeting you.

Other common statement that work in this way:

Be used to :
I am used to driving on the other side of the road.

Get round to :
I get round to learning how to swim

Object to :
I object to unpaid overtime work.

2010-01-16 14:11:34 補充:
So it is important to identify either "to" is a verb or *infinitive.

the verb follow "to" no need to change.
1. I go to swim.
2. The government offered to give us financial help.

2010-01-16 14:17:34 補充:
"look forward to" is PHASE VERB ,just like *"be afraid of ".

* be afraid of

"To" and "of" are both preposition.
i am afraid of walking alone.(becasue of the preposition of , the verb after of must be gerund)
2010-01-08 5:32 am
look forward to something

look forward to 一樣野/一件事,後面要跟noun 名詞/ gerund 動名詞(- ing)

e.g. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

e.g. Paul is looking forward to Jack's party next weekend.
2010-01-07 9:47 pm
look forward to 後面的是名詞,所以如果是動詞的話,要加 ing,變成動名詞。

onlycherrie 的答案正確。
2010-01-07 9:46 pm

如果to係作為infinitive,咁跟後面的動詞當然要用root form.
但當to作為preposition時,通常後面係跟noun。 如果後面係一個verb,咁就要將佢轉做gerund動名詞,變成ing form.

由於look forward to(prep)咁就要用ing form.
2010-01-07 9:14 pm
Because >>look forward to<< is a word ,,
before look ,,there might have a state verb(is/am/are) so
{is/am/are + ing}
參考: of course my self,I study in New York ,,and I am a Hong Kong people too~
2010-01-07 8:59 pm
When to is a preposition, it can be followed either by a noun or by the -ing form of the verb:

I look forward to our meeting.
I look forward to meeting you.

Other common expressions that work in the same way are:

Be/get used to

Get round to

Object to

He couldn't get used to driving on the other side of the road.
He couldn't get used to the new traffic rules.
I'm not used to getting up so early.
I'm not used to early starts.
I'll get round to doing it.
I'll get round to it.
I object to working overtime with no extra pay.
I object to unpaid overtime work.
2010-01-07 8:57 pm
正常to 後面係唔加tense.(I want to be a cook)
look forward to 可能係一個word

2010-01-07 12:58:39 補充:
例子,continue studying

2010-01-07 16:34:40 補充:
look forward to係一個項

2010-01-08 12:30:57 補充:
設studying change to being.

look forward to being.
look forward to is a verb
參考: My memory

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