想申請澳洲 175PR 簽證

2010-01-07 8:49 am
我今年24歲, 有英國非名校DEGREE, MAJOR係新聞

如果我想申請175簽證, 會唔會成功呢?

26歲 (+30)
IELTS 4份都有7, 但唔係同一次考 (+25?)
BA MEIDA (+50)
三年半電視台新聞部工作經驗 (+5?)
流利中文 (+5?)
準備2011結婚的男友, 29歲, 幾年前IELTS6.5, 4份都6以上, 7年年資公務員, 有英國非名校PUBLIC ADMIN DEGREE (+5)

我咁樣計出黎有120分, 我有冇計錯呢?

我地係打算2011註冊, 註冊後可以加五分對嗎? 我已經睇過啦, Jouralist 唔係MODL


咁即係遞交申請前, 我地一定要: 1. 2人都要再考IELTS, 我一定要一次過4份都要7, 我男友一4份都要6 2. 我要先參加由NAATI舉辦的TEST, 合格先可以+5分, 抑或係交左申請, 再由NAATI安排TEST 3. 我地要完成結婚註冊 完成上面3點, 我就會夠分做AUS PR? 但仲想問呀...如果要等3年, 咁我已經30歲, 計分係用申請時的年齡計分嗎? 我另外見有176簽證, 要有親戚/政府贊助, 合格分數只要100分, 如果我願意去小城市或者郊區生活, 會唔會易D申請成功? 我冇親戚在澳洲

回答 (2)

2010-01-08 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果我想申請175簽證, 會唔會成功呢?

Well, very unfortunately, points is not what you think how it calculated......

A few things are off in the point test you give me here.

1.) IELTS, Australian Immigration does not accept combine IELTS certificate, each scoremust be from the same certificate.So technically, youstill do not have 25 points (ie all 7 in IELTS)

2.) Community Language (Cantonese) is not something you say you have then they gave you point for it ,it must be tested and evaluated by NAATI organisation or you have an University degree taught entirely in the community language you nominated (Your degree is taughtin UK, therefore in English).

3.) If you planned on apply GSM after you and your boyfriend get married in 2011,both you and your boyfriend will be required to do another IELTS test regardless of your result now. because IELTS test have a validity of 2 years.

You need to be sure if you have enough points before you apply Australian Immigraiton visa. As cisa application fee is not refundable. It used to not present any problem if youforfiet your visa application but since the immigration law have change on September last year, 175 visa will now take at least 3 years to process, no point wasting your time if you do not have enough point.

2010-01-08 14:59:52 補充:
1. 2人都要再考IELTS, 我一定要一次過4份都要7, 我男友一4份都要6
2. 我要先參加由NAATI舉辦的TEST, 合格先可以+5分, 抑或係交左申請, 再由NAATI安排TEST
3. 我地要完成結婚註冊

Yes, you need to pass the NAATI test in order to claim the 5 points for COmmunity Language

2010-01-08 15:01:28 補充:
完成上面3點, 我就會夠分做AUS PR?

If you have done the above 3 things up would preliminarily have enough points (Actual points may vary as i don't know the whole case.)

2010-01-08 15:02:15 補充:
我另外見有176簽證, 要有親戚/政府贊助, 合格分數只要100分, 如果我願意去小城市或者郊區生活, 會唔會易D申請成功? 我冇親戚在澳洲

You misunderstood thew visa, the visa is not for you to start business in rural or country area, but is for each state sponsor you as a worker.

2010-01-08 15:03:10 補充:
State sponsor worker must satisified each state requirment beside DIAC requirment. you need to seek state sponsorship before you lodge your 176 application.

Each state need different type of worker, so they may or may not sponsor you.
參考: Australian Citizen,wife usedto work in Australian Immigartion now an immigration lawyer
2010-01-07 7:09 pm
你錯了 你都未同你男友結婚 如果結婚後 就可以加一下 不如咁喇你再比d資料我幫你計下分喇 而家你都重係差5分 但有一樣野 你可以上澳洲官網查一下 modl 如果你既職業在modl之內又可加分

我msn係[email protected]

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