想問下懷孕期度頸皮 oscar test 幾錢?

2010-01-07 2:09 am
想問下旺角私家診所oscar test幾多錢到呀??

另外想問下各位媽咪, 我依家6週到, 可唔可照第一次超聲波?? 我已係qe book左20週結構性超聲波, 咁仲洗唔洗依家照呀?? 同埋照超聲波幾錢到呀?? 要旺角區, thz


re:glucoserror 我想問咁oscar test你係邊度做呀?? 可否介紹一下醫生, thx

回答 (2)

2010-01-08 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

我自己做11-12週oscar test就搵馮X明醫生, 在元朗架, 收費$1,200.00

其實你又唔使咁快去照, 等做oscar test一次過照都得, 同埋如你在政府醫院做產檢, 佢會安排你照一次, CONFIRM個胎大細同週數, 我果時就9週照第一次, 不過都要視乎果間醫院多唔多人

巫醫生好NICE, 有問必答, 好多人睇架, 我果時都要book 2-3星期架

旺角中心一期1917-18號 電話--27873830

2010-01-07 8:51 pm
around 12 weeks can do oscar test, it cost about $1200.

and ultrasound can be do at any time, so, depends on what you want.
Ultrasound can let you see the baby's size and heartbeat. i think it is good to see in the first 5 months.
the total cost will be around $800 (doctor's fee and ultrasound fee)
參考: me, pregnant 8 months

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