
2010-01-06 11:06 pm
I dont oppose such a tax for the sake of argument.

2.) What is the meaning of 'get put down' ??
Since it is difficult to find the new homes for such a large number
of dogs ,at least 35,000 of them get put down.

3.)which is the answer to the question??
She has saved over ______dogs in the past years.
a.) hunhred
b.) hunhreds
c.) a hundred
d.) two hundreds

Thanks a lot for being helpful!!!

For Q.2, 我想問 get you down 點解??


for q.3 點解(d) 唔得?? q.1 the meaning :我不反對此類的稅金為了爭吵的緣故。 咁樣好似解唔通..咁怪?? thank you again!!


@kvenzke08, For the sake of argument即係點解??? 我完全唔明你的意思= =

回答 (2)

2010-01-07 2:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
平常for the sake of argument =
For the sake of argument, say I don't oppose this tax.


2: put down = 殺動物(因為病,因為太多。。。)
get (somebody) down = 令人唔開心,失望

3: C先啱
D唔好嘅原因係:200叫做 two hundred
唔叫two hundreds
2010-01-06 11:29 pm
Refer to the first question, "I should oppose such a tax for the sake of argument"

means that 我不反對此類的稅金為了爭吵的緣故。

Next for Q3.the right answer should be "c)a hundred dogs".

Besides, as I am not very understand about Q2., therefore I cannot possibly tell

you.Sorry, please forgive me. But I can help you with Q1 and 2.

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