HK--> Sydney

2010-01-06 7:08 pm
im going to sydeny in this july 2or 3
when should i book the ticket?
which airline is the cheapest? i really want the CHEAPEST!! i dont mind if the airline have a stop!
im staying in my fds 's place so that i dont have to pay any hotel
but, im just wondering how much i should bring for entertainment and food there
is that enough if i only bring 700 au for 7-8 days?

回答 (3)

2010-01-06 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to buy discount ticket, please check the airline website (especially Cathay) around the Easter Holiday. When CX has promotional price, Qantas and Virgin will also have discounted price. Normally flying to Sydney on direct flight will be around 6000 including tax and charges.

For the cheapest air ticket, it should be Vietnam Airline. Usually they can do 3000 without tax, totally will be 5000 something but with a very bad connection time. You will have to wait at Vietnam airport for a long long time... Singapore Airline provides quick transfer in Singapore, but the ticket is not very cheap, around 3 - 500 less than direct flight...

So I would suggest you considering Qantas and Virgin, it's not very expensive, and no need to change flight... Cheapest doesn't mean the best

Things in Sydney is very expensive, especially when A$1.00 = HK$7.10 now... A small coffee can cost you HK$25.00... Considering entertainment , transports, and meals, you need at least A$100.00 a day.. So, bring A$10000 there... should be enough, if not, using credit card please...
參考: Personal travel experience
2010-01-09 12:50 am

2010-01-06 7:43 pm
1/. You can booking the air-ticket by Quantas Airline, Cathey Pacific Airline, Singarpore Airline, or any Travel Agency.
2/. If you want the cheapest airline to Australia, I recommand you to book Singarpore Airline, Because thay will Stop Singarpore then to Australia.
3/. I think AUD1,000 are enough you for entertaiment and food in Australia

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