
2010-01-06 12:55 am
本書介紹關於ER (Endoplasmic reticulum)



Endoplasmic reticulum
-It is a network of interconnected of membrane-bounded sacs.
(姐係點?我唔係好明咩係membrane-bounded sacs...)

-The ribosomes on rough ER are the sites of protein synthesis.Smooth ER is involved in the synthesis and transport of lipids.

( " rought ER are the sites of protein synthesis " 係指已合成既會放係ribosomes定係protein會係ribosome到合成,定係ribosome等於果d protein synthesis ?)
(之後講smooth ER果句我都唔係好明,請教教我.thanks)

Thank you.

回答 (1)

2010-01-07 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
-The ribosomes on rough ER are the sites of protein synthesis.Smooth ER is involved in the synthesis and transport of lipids.

( " rought ER are the sites of protein synthesis " 係指已合成既會放係ribosomes定係protein會係ribosome到合成,定係ribosome等於果d protein synthesis ?)
(之後講smooth ER果句我都唔係好明,請教教我.thanks)

~rought ER只是提供位置俾ribosomes synthesis protein和幫助ribosomes transport 已製造的proteins
~smooth ER參與製造和運送lipids
ps.smooth ER仲有製造carbohydrates and other non-protein products

Endoplasmic reticulum
-It is a network of interconnected of membrane-bounded sacs.
(姐係點?我唔係好明咩係membrane-bounded sacs...)

不過如果你仲想知,send e-mail俾我,我幫你問我miss呀;)
參考: biology textbook

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