
2010-01-05 11:06 pm
1)咩係關係小調? 咩係同名小調??

回答 (3)

2010-01-06 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
The familiar five lines on which music is written are known as the stave or


The lines and space between them are counted from the bottom -


Each line and each space represent a note, so there are nine notes here -


But which nine? To answer this question, a sign called a clef is always placed at the beginning of every stave. There are several different clefs, but the most common one is
and is called the treble clef. It is also known as the 'G' clef,
because the middle part of it
, and that line represents the G above middle C. Today the treble clef is always looped around the second line (but see Appendix E in Part II for another position which has been used in the past). In consequence, a note placed on that line will be the G above middle C, and all the other notes on the stave can be related to the notes on the keyboard too -


For the lower notes on the keyboard a different clef has to be used: the bass clef or 'F' clef, which can be shown in either of two ways:
, although, as with the G clef, other positions have been used in the past (see Appendix E in Part ll).

4/3 Relative major/minor keys
Examples of corresponding key signatures for major and minor keys have already been noted. There is a fixed relationship: the key-note of a minor key is always the same as the 6th degree of the major scale with same key signature, as is shown in the following examples (note that the scales are now given with their key signatures) -


2010-01-14 20:06:45 補充:
Consequently there is a pattern of minor-key signatures corresponding to the pattern of major-key signatures -

No sharps or flats

2010-01-14 20:07:26 補充:
A minor (C major)

1 sharp (F) E minor (G major)

2 sharps (F C) B minor (D major)

3 sharps (F C G) F# minor (A major)

4 sharps (F C G D) C# minor (E major)

2010-01-14 20:08:21 補充:
5 sharps (F C G D A) G# minor (B major)

6 sharps (F C G D A E) D# minor (F# major)

2010-01-14 20:10:55 補充:
1 flat (B) D minor (F major)

2 flats (B E) G minor (Bb major)

3 flats (B E A) C minor (Eb major)

4 flats (B E A D) F minor (Ab major)

2010-01-14 20:22:46 補充:
5 flats (B E A D G) Bb minor (Db major)

6 flats (B E A D G C) Eb minor (Gb major)

2010-01-18 22:42:13 補充:
2/3 Key signatures

To say that a piece of music is based on the notes of the scale of C major does not mean that it is restricted to eight notes. The eight notes of the basic scale can be used at any pitch, one or more octaves higher or lower. But except for special

2010-01-18 22:42:58 補充:
purposes the notes of the basic scale will not be altered; thus, if a piece is in G major, all the Fs will be F# s. Similarly, all the Bs in a piece in F major will be Bb s.

2010-01-18 22:45:55 補充:
It is not necessary to write in the sharps or flats every time they are needed. Instead they are shown at the beginning of the piece, immediately

2010-01-18 22:49:54 補充:
after the clef and before the time signature. The sharp on the F line is enough to show that all the Fs will be F# s, not just those on the fifth line;

2010-01-18 22:52:49 補充:
there is no need to put a sharp in the first space as well. In the bass clef it is written.
2010-01-14 6:07 am
全 全 半 全 全 全 半
用G大調數: G A B C D E 升F G
E同升F剛剛格一度所以唔係就咁F 。如果唔係就咁F ,G大調會變得很怪。
2010-01-14 2:03 am

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