Have you received this mail from Google? Is this real?

2010-01-04 4:06 pm
Google Incorporation®.
Belgrave House,
76 Buckingham Palace Road,
London SW1W 9TQ,
United Kingdom

Notification Date: 31st/12/2009


We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part of our lucky winners selected this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active use of the Google search engine and the Google ancillary services. Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be active and patronage to this company. Google is now the world leading search engine worldwide, and in an effort to sure that it remains the most widely used search engine, an online e-mail balloting was carried out on the 29th December 2009 without your knowledge, it was officially released today been the Last Day Of The Year 31st Of December 2009.We which to formally announced to you that your email address was attached to a lump sum of ?450,000.00{Four Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling's}.

We also wish to inform you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications and our satisfactory report test conducted for all our online winners. A winning Cheque will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award Team, and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent along side your winning Cheque.
Information's required from you are part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. To claim your won prize, please contact our Foreign Transfer Manager DR WILLIAMS GIBSON neatly filling the verification and fund release form below.

(1) Your contact address.
(2) Your Tel/Fax numbers.
(3) Your Nationality/Country.
(4) Your Full Name.
(5) Sex.
(6) Occupation
(7) Age.
(8) Ever won an online lottery?

Mode of Prize Remittance.

(1)Courier Delivery Of your Certified Winning Cheque Name and other Winning Documents safely to you.
You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager DR WILLIAMS GIBSON with his private email details below to avoid unnecessary delay and complications:

E-mail: [email protected]

The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and third parties about their winnings and also sharing their identification numbers. As a result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners. The google promotion award committee has reached a decision from the headquarters at the United Kingdom that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the disqualification of the winners lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.

Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive Lottery Board Commission.

Yours Sincerely,

回答 (7)

2010-01-05 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, Ada, did you enter that contest????? No??? You can not win something you did not enter or play. Besides Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, Microsoft, MSN, Google and Aol do not have lotteries, reward programs, promotions, or contests.
When an E-mail offer sounds too good to be true, then it is definitely not true.
It is a scam to get your personal information and/or money.
Do not respond to it.
Report it, forward it to the FTC at [email protected] and to the abuse desk of the sender's ISP.
For yahoo, report them here: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/ya...
Choose Fraud as the reason for the violation you're reporting on.
Also, if the E-mail appears to be impersonating a bank or other company or organization, forward the message to the actual organization.
2010-01-04 4:18 pm
spam. google's hq is in the u.s., not united kingdom..

report it to google.
2010-01-05 11:29 am
Total false.
2010-01-05 12:01 am
That looks like an e-mail designed to gather information for identity theft.

Delete the e-mail. This is a classic attack.

If you need reassurance, then go onto Google's website and find the right e-mail. Ask them if they've been doing this, and provide a link to a copy of the text in the e-mail. Then they will tell you that it's a baited trap, like I am saying now. In fact it would be good for everyone else if you reported it so that filtration of that e-mail can proceed.
2010-01-04 5:12 pm
lol thats the biggest scam ive ever seen.
for one look at his email [email protected]
if he really worked for google it would probably be somthing more like [email protected]

anyone could have made up the origional one.
plus the fact they say they are going to write u a cheque for £450,000.00 is mad of course they will put a huge amount to lure you in i mean who ever heard of someone winning nearly half a million from an unknown comp?

you may think that these questions below:
(1) Your contact address.
(2) Your Tel/Fax numbers.
(3) Your Nationality/Country.
(4) Your Full Name.
(5) Sex.
(6) Occupation
(7) Age.

are harmless because its not like your giving out your bank details or NI number but people have had their identitys stolen with somthing as simple as they name, address and tel number.
dont write back just delete it or better still report it to google if you can and see what they say but im sure its a scam
2010-01-04 4:14 pm
It's a scam. DO NOT ANSWER IT. Delete it. There is no such thing as a Google Lottery. They just want your personal information. Besides, you can't win a lottery without buying a ticket. Did you? Of course not.
2010-01-04 4:13 pm
Negative. Total scam.

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