What it means? ”rolling sto..”

2010-01-05 5:27 am
What it means by 'Rolling stone gathers no moss'?

回答 (3)

2010-01-08 10:39 am
A rolling stone gathers no moss ........ is a common English proverb.

It means if you don't stay in one place and gathers experience and seniority, but keep moving from one place to another (e.g. changing jobs too often), then you won't be able to succeed.

Think of a stone if it stays in one place then it can easily gathers moss, but if it keeps rolling then it cannot gathher any moss.

I have received an application from one who applies for a manager position, but he had worked for 10 jobs within 12 years. Therefore I exclaimed to him that: A rolling stone gathers no moss.
2010-01-05 9:26 am


2010-01-05 5:56 am
It is an idiom or old proverb.



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