are these verb or adj?

2010-01-04 9:07 pm
It was existed or present.
We're often conditioned these days to expect a happy ending.

上面的existed ,present or conditioned 係五係adj?

回答 (4)

2010-01-04 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Existed 係 verb (intransitive verb 不及物動詞), present 係 adjective。
由於 existed 係 intransitive verb, 唁唔可以做 passive voice (被勤式),所以 It was existed 文法上係錯嘅,應該係 "It existed"。
由於 present 係 adjective,佢要跟個 auxillary verb (助動詞) 去形容個 "It"。所以係 "is present"。
全句係: It existed, or is present. 它在以前,或現在存在。

We're often conditioned these days to expect a happy ending.
呢句係 good English, 結構完全冇問題。
"conditioned" 响呢句係 verb (transitive), "we are conditioned" 係 passive voice, 解 "我地被洗咗腦" (入咗腦); 或 "受環境影响而有咗成見"。
全句解: 今時今日,我地好多時都會受環境影响而有咗成見,而認為每事都會如意收場。

2010-01-04 14:19:10 補充:
第三行打錯字,應該係 "唔可以做 passive voice (被動式)"
參考: myself
2010-01-05 9:52 am

2010-01-04 9:42 pm
I have no idea about what you mean in those sentences. I cannot answer.
2010-01-04 9:24 pm
Both sentences are terrible in structure & make no sense. If you require help, do express in Chinese what you want to say.

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