
2010-01-04 8:19 pm
我地公司係investment holding (purely), own住十幾間subsidiaries, 主要收到係d adminstration fee同dividend, 但有auditor質疑我地公司係paper company, 我想問咩叫paper company?
點樣可以proved返我地公司係investment holding?

回答 (3)

2010-01-05 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你有向子公司收取 administration fee 及 dividend income,你的公司業務性質可以寫為 long term investment holding and provision of administrative and management services to subsidiaries and/or associates (if any)。

這樣便不會被當成 paper company。然而,你要留意,該筆或幾筆 (你可以分為不同性質的 administration fee,如: provision for staff、office rent、office management/administration 等) administration fee 必需各自有個別的計算基準 (calculation basis) 去計算該筆或幾筆 administration fee。同時,雙方最好有簽服務協議/合同 (service agreements/contracts),詳細列明服務內容,當然必須要有印發 發票 及 收據。

此外,administration fee 的邊際利潤百分比 (profit margin) 亦不可以太高,需按正常合理的同類交易的邊際利潤百分比來決定 (at arm's length)。如果邊際利潤百分比太高,稅務局可能會懷疑你有逃稅之嫌。因此,你必須記錄 administration fee 的計算基準及相關的邊際利潤百分比。

Paper company 是指沒有業務但為了會計目的而成立的公司。可以參考案例 HCAL 80/2004 (雖然個案例已經 dismissed):

44. In GT’s letter dated 19 May 2004, in reaffirming that NTEE was a paper
company that exists solely for accounting purpose, it was said that,
but for the recovery of NTEI’s management fees, there was no
justification for allocating 7% gross profit margin to NTEE annually.
2015-10-07 9:48 am
2010-01-04 9:30 pm
由於資料有限,你又無講子公司係做乜,所以唔可以話你知提供乜嘢證據。Paper company 即係皮包公司,所以你子公司有無業務係決定你係咪皮包公司,不過唔知你個會計師係乜料,點解會咁問?

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