20點charity work(小6呈度)7.30要

2010-01-04 1:46 am
要作charity work,我唔係好識英文,又無人教我,但係7:30pm要
我都知要自已做,但係幫幫我作,小六呈度,一開頭要作Pupils can do different kinds of charity work,唔該各位大大!!!

回答 (3)

2010-01-04 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
大大你好 ~

開頭為︰Pupils can do different kinds of charity work

你可以在第一段寫有什麼 charity work,第二段就寫做了這些 charity work 的好處,第三段作總結。

Pupils can do different kinds of charity work, for example, flag selling, helping the elderly. Students shold participate in these important events.

Pupils can learn a lot from those events. They can help look after the elderly and can let the nurse there to take a rest. Also, they can gain a lot of knowledge when they are looking after the elderly. Furthermore, in the flag selling, the money will be sent to the poor countries so many poor children and people can be saved and helped.

As there are many benefits gained from the charity work. Why don't we start to do them as soon as possible?


2010-01-04 19:20:05 補充:
參考: Yogi
2010-01-04 9:08 am


2010-01-04 4:56 am
what is "大大"?

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