雷曼Lehman minibond 一問 20点

2010-01-03 6:14 am
1.In terms of their functions ,what are the responsibilities of the HKMA and the SFC in the Lehman saga?

2.Apart from the losses suffered by the Lehman minibond investors,how does the Lehman saga adversely affect Hong Kong as a whole?

3.What are the problems associated with one industry under the regulation of two authorities?

4.List the responsibilities of investors in the Lehman saga.

5.Investors can avoid unnecessary financial losses if they make informed and wise decisions.
Suggest three ways that investors can make informed investment decisions

回答 (1)

2010-01-03 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案

In short, the whole Minibond instrument comprises two parts:
1) The AA or AAA bonds as the basis of the structure (Right side of the diagram)
The Credit Risks Swap which involves a Vehicle (in this case, Lehman
Brother's collective of financial bonds and instruments). The
first part (right part of the diagram) of the instrument is easy to
understand. The money paid by the investors are used to buy AA or
better rated bonds. The coupon rate or interest payment by the bonds
are given to the investors on an annual basis.

.... (You may read the rest in the following websites as Yahoo! Knowledge has limitation on numbers of words in the answers)
From: Singapore Alternatives. 2008-09-29(Mon)
What Will Happen to my Lehman Minibond?

Published by lioninvestor at 7:35 am under Structured Products
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The minibond series by Lehman Brothers had been sold in Singapore for the last couple of years and some retail investors have purchased them. In the recent uncertainty facing Lehman Brothers, many of these investors are now wondering what will happen to their Lehman Minibonds investment.

First of all, recall that the Lehman Minibonds is not a normal bond in the normal sense of the word. It’s a structured note which exposes you to the default of the reference entitles and has assets backed by the underlying securities (which are different from the reference entities).

.... (You may read the rest in the following websites as Yahoo! Knowledge has limitation on numbers of words in the answers)


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