急!麻煩可以幫我中翻譯成英文嗎?十萬感激! (請不要用翻譯器

2010-01-02 10:30 pm
(1)愛的宣言: 新郎宣讀對新娘的愛的宣言 (負責姊妹connie)

(2)將香蕉和花生漿放在尿片上, 要求新郎及兄弟每人淺嚐一點才可入門口

(3)心心相印: 替新郎和兄弟塗上口紅,要他們嘴對嘴的把心形膠片傳送完畢就過關!

(4)長長久久: 將9粒車厘子放在碟上,然後用忌廉加在車厘子上,要新郎用掌上壓方式吃掉所有車厘子。

(5)將個毛公仔拋高,由兄弟模仿公仔姿勢,做到兄弟自己就可以選一種飲品,做不到就由姊妹選! 飲品甜(coke,糖水).酸(醋加水).苦(苦瓜汁)或辣(麻辣湯,冬陰功)。

回答 (2)

2010-01-02 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) declaration of love: love of the bride and groom read out the declaration (for sister connie)

(2) banana and peanut paste on the diapers, we ask each person to taste the groom and the brothers into the door before 1:00

(3) soulmate: Apply lipstick for the groom and the brothers, asking them to mouth-to-mouth transmission of the heart-shaped film is completed on the pass!

(4) long long time: The 9 cherries on the plate, then add the cherries cream on the way to the groom with palm pressure eat all the cherries.

(5) will throw a stuffed high doll by the brothers to imitate gestures, so that his brother could have been elected a drink, can not do on the elections by a sister! Sweet drinks (coke, sugar). Acid (vinegar plus water). Bitter ( bitter gourd juice) or hot (spicy soup, Tom Yum Kung).
2010-01-02 11:19 pm
(1) declaration of love: love of the bride and groom read out the declaration (for sister connie)

(2) banana and peanut paste on the diapers, we ask each person to taste the groom and the brothers into the door before 1:00

(3) soulmate: Apply lipstick for the groom and the brothers, asking them to mouth-to-mouth transmission of the heart-shaped film is completed on the pass!

(4) long long time: The 9 cherries on the plate, then add the cherries cream on the way to the groom with palm pressure eat all the cherries.

(5) will throw a stuffed high doll by the brothers to imitate gestures, so that his brother could have been elected a drink, can not do on the elections by a sister! Sweet drinks (coke, sugar). Acid (vinegar plus water). Bitter ( bitter gourd juice) or hot (spicy soup, Tom Yum Kung).

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