過左加拿大讀書~但係e邊好悶, help please

2010-01-02 1:13 pm
係hk中一個時我就已經過左去加拿大(多倫多)讀書, e度讀書都ok 無hk咁忙....但係原來好悶 唔似得香港...(所以我e+好掛住&珍惜hk -.-) 係加拿大無乜野做, 又唔容易出街 因為一出就一定要人車 e度又冇乜巴士&交通工具. 加拿大好似成個廢墟咁....

麻煩大家如果可以幫幫手 講下係e度有咩好做/去? thxx

email : [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]


回答 (1)

2010-01-05 3:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
how old are you?

learn how to drive and buy a car lar.??

student age 16 up can drive lar.

加拿大好似成個廢墟咁??? really? which little village your parents had dump you at?

2010-01-05 07:58:24 補充:
maybe that was your parents idea wor..?

so you can quietly in study, no more wet 街, hang out with gangs, pop pills or drinking..

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