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我叫brian,27歲香港人,想問問大家如果我有機會可以移民英國或澳洲,我應該點揀好?我而家住係澳洲柏斯(Perth),決定移民澳洲既話就會繼續住係柏斯(Perth), 移民英國既話就會住係Nottingham. 而家想問問大家覺得兩個國家邊個適合定居多D?
Actually, depend on how you plan on migrating and what kind of skill or asset you planning and have.
In term of difficulty to migrate, Australia is WAY easier than UK. Even tho Aussie immigration law has changed again this year. Itstill far better off than what they have in the UK.
To migrate to Australia, all you need is skill and a lot of time, on the other hand, youwill need to put inemployment factor if you are planning on migrating to the UK.
Perth is a verynice place to live, however, not really a nice place to work. You would not expect to hold a nice job when you get your PR in Australia, mostly you can only find jobs valiable in your local Coles or Woolworths.....
Well, benefit in Australia is only good when and if you became an Australian Citizen,undercurrent laws, you will need to wait for at least 7 years to become one. Before you are australian Citizen,the only benefit you get is free medical, and they are about to change that as well......
UK does have asimilar social security package, but comes in with less money only. If i still remember correctly, unemployment only pays about 200 pounds permonth,compare to about $1000 AUD (about 350 pounds) in Australia. Plus you needed to be formerly employed to claim that.
Both countries's offer free Primary School/Elementry School and Secondary School/ High School.
Australian university is only chaeap when you are a CSP student (Government supported place, which require HSC/ASQ result and MUST BE AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN). If you did not get a CSP, then it is about 10 % off international student fees(about 7000-9000 AUD per semester). if you do, it will be about 50-80% off, dependon discipline.
UK university is capped to 3000 for local resident, regardless of citizenship status.
2010-01-03 10:43:49 補充:
Both country off student aid,which give youaloan for your tutition fee. UK's study aid is liable to payback once you finish your study,while the Australian Loan is liable to pay back only afteryougot ajob and pay tax.
2010-01-03 10:43:58 補充:
Also, Australian governemnt have income support to university student, 380AUD/2 weeks
However, with UK Citizenship,you can live and work in 26 EU member state freely, while with Aussie Citizenship, you can only work and live in Aus and New Zealand freely....
2010-01-03 10:45:11 補充:
Depends on how you likeit,perth isa laid back city, people don'tdo much about all day. Nothingham is as laid back as Perth,but it's a bit far away from any civilisation
2010-01-03 10:46:21 補充:
福利好D?搵工易D? 因為始終係住成世。
Australian have the best Social Security system thoughout the entire developed country. I would bet dollar to donut that Aussiehave the best Welfare scheme there is.
2010-01-03 10:47:46 補充:
work ishard to find tho, anywhere indeed.Don't expect to be able to get a good job in either places. You will needto start from the lowest.....You ask any migrant near you, they will probablyall say they had done some odd job now and then....
參考: I am both Australian andBritish Citizen,currentlyliving in Sweden