f2 science ((急))

2010-01-02 12:38 am
1) Electricity means the flow of positive particles.



Which of the following gases is/are unreactive?

(1) oxygen

(2) nitrogen

(3) argon

A. (1) only B. (2) only

C. (1) and (2) only D. (2)
and (3) only

*要講埋原因 比d解釋我 我唔明=冇用


唔該晒2位 !! 但係第2題 我睇番.個正確answer係D. 但我唔明點解係D


你地4位都解釋得好詳細 我唔知揀邊個為最佳解答好~ 唯有交付投票 望見諒.

回答 (4)

2010-01-02 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Electricity means the flow of positive particles.

wrong. Electricity means the flow of electrons, which is of negative charge.

2) C
let the battery provide 1V
In paralle circuit, each branch get 1V for lighting
In series circuit, four light bulb have to share 1V to work
(B1&B3→0.25V, B2→0.5V)
so B6 is the brightest among them

3)Which of the following gases is/are unreactive?
D. argon. It is an inert gas which is unreactive
nitrogen is also unreactive because nitrogen molecule contains a triple bond which lower its reactivity

2010-01-01 22:59:38 補充:
2010-01-02 8:43 am
1)Electron is negative charge,Photon Is positive charge and Neutron is neutral.

2) Let the power supply is 15V,the resistance of B1,B3-B6 is 5 ohms respectively,The resistance of B2 is 10Ohm

The Total Resistance of series wiring is 20Ohms,current is 0.75A
The Total Resistance of parallel wiring is 1.67Oms,current is 9A,

The current of B4,B5,B6 is 3A respectively,
The current of B1,B2,B3 is 0.75A (series wiring,current is the same)

so you can define it,B6 Is the most brightness in the choices.
2010-01-02 5:56 am

原因是B4 ,5,6所得到的電壓(voltage)是相同的,他們的電阻也是相同,光亮度自然也相同。


2010-01-01 21:58:23 補充:
2010-01-02 1:08 am
1. False.
Electricity (to be exact, should be electric current) is the flow of electric charges, which include both positive and negative charges.

2. Bulb B6 is brightest. The bulbs takes all the voltage from the battery in a parallel connection, but only shares part of the voltage in a series connection. The higher the voltage given to the bulb, the brighter it will be.

3. This is NOT a physics problem.
As far as I understand it, nitrogen and argon are inert gases, they should be unreactive.

2010-01-02 00:23:11 補充:
Your answer to Q2 is probably wrong. The bulbs surely would not be of the same brightness.
Also, I would like to correct my answer to Q3, nitrogen is not an inert gas. Sorry for making this mistake as I am not a chemistry professional.

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