Does this meter reading match what stated on my water bill?

2010-01-01 7:54 am

What is the meter reading as shown on this photo?
The water bill I received today states a reading of 635 (in units of 100) which doesn't sound close to the actual reading...

635 is the current reading taken a few days ago (end of billing cycle)

回答 (5)

2010-01-01 4:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I agree with I Can't Believe... who answered that the picture is of a natural gas meter, not a water meter. The water meter should be found in a water meter box that is level with the top of the ground. If you live in the city, it could be in the sidewalk, or nearby, and can be anywhere from property line to property line. I have seen some meters to be very hard to find because often there will be a small, hinged door in the lid that is used for meter reading, and if the meter box is installed slightly below grade, then all but the door may get covered with dirt and/or grass. The meter readers that read your meter every month know by memory where it is. I have seen some water utilities put a blue mark in the road pointing in the direction of the meter box.
I do not know where you live, but I have heard that in some places the meter may be found in the basement of the home where the water lines enter the home.
One word of advice about the meter boxes in the ground is, be careful. Where I live black widow spiders love to make their homes in the water meter box.
2010-01-01 10:54 pm
The picture is of the gas meter, not the water.
2010-01-01 6:31 pm
You need to look at your past bill to see the amount of water used from then to now.
2010-01-01 4:45 pm
The meter doesn't reset. You would have to have the reading from the last time they read it till this time to figure out the difference. The meter shows the volume of water that has run through it since it has been installed.

You can check the next time they read it and subtract the difference and see if it is correct but if you dont have the numbers from the last time then I dont think there is anyway of knowing.

You say the bill states 635. Is that what they are saying you used? In units of 100, I assume that is cubic feet? 100 cubic feet equals approximately 748 gallons. So I would take that to mean you used 474980 gallons of water?

Estimates vary substantially but the average person uses 80 - 100 gallons of water per day in a single family residence. So a family of 4 would use about 9400 - 12000 gallons of water per month. That will depend on your faucets and toilets as well as any water leaks you may have.


Use your bill to understand how much water you use. For instance, a family of four that uses 13 units of water over a 30 day period used 9,724 gallons of water (13 units x 748 gallons). Over a 30-day billing period they used 324.13 gallons of water per day (9,724 ¸ 30). Therefore, on average each person in the family used 81 gallons of water per day (324 ¸ 4).


The multiple dial type of water meter has small dials in a circle, each marked off in ten divisions. Each dial reads like the hour hand on a clock. Note that every other hand turns counter-clockwise. To read the meter, start with the 10 dial (as marked) and always use the lower number. Write the numbers down from right to left. A "one-foot" dial is only for testing purposes. If your read a meter a month later, subtract the old reading from the new and your will find the amount you have used in cubic feet of water. Multiply by 7.48 and you will find the number of gallons of water used between the two readings.
2010-01-01 6:30 pm
Its new years eve and I just dropped my brand new LG rumour in the tolite and it flushed, around 10 seconds later i took it. I tried to turn in on about 3 times then called my dad, he told me to take out the battery. As i did i proceeded to put it underneath the hair drier for 10/15 minutes. Realizing this might not work, I ran to my room and tried turning it on. The phone turned on with a blank screen for a moment then started vibrating and dialing *4*4*4*4*4 and calling. Then for a few seconds it was normal the screen went back and i accauly read a message from my friend, though the creeping ringing/dialing/vibrating parade started again shortly after. It has been around 4 hours since the accident and i decided to let it rest in a tupperware continer filled with dry there any hope for my new phone?

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