how to read water meter in this case?

2010-01-01 1:33 am
I've been having unreasonably costly water bills with less people in my house so I decided to check the water meter to verify the readings. My meter is a "clock-like" meter with a couple dials on it.
The reading I got is : 2,321,500 (in cubic feet)
On the latest statement I received the previous meter reading was 630 (in units of 100, which makes the actual reading 63000, i suppose) , and the current reading at that time was 630. So they charged me for 500 cubic feet of water usage.
However, from what I see on the reading, even if I drop the last two digits, it's no where near the 630 reading stated on the sheet.
Could anyone explain to me what happened in this case? Did water department read the wrong meter or did I read the meter incorrectly? I found a lot of instructions online but none actually fits my meter. (most of the meters illustrated have max of 100,000 and mine has 1,000,000, but i guess you just read one more digit, right?)
I'm so confused.

thanks William, I checked and it's not leaking. I'm just wondering I got the wrong reading. Happy New Year.


OPPPS! Big Typo! I meant previous reading was 625 and current reading at that time was 630. So I used 5x100 cubic feet during that cycle.

回答 (4)

2010-01-01 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is hard to visualize your meter from your description. (start 630?stop 630?) You can call your water dept and ask them to reread your meter (and if possible get them to give advice on how to read it). You will probably find that the reading was accurate. I would ask yourself what might have caused you to use extra water this mo.
It could be a hose left on, a toilet that malfunctioned, a facet inside that didn't get turned all the way off. If you have outdoor sprinklers are they functioning properly, do they have any broken heads. These are all things that can cause you to use more water. Another thing you can do is to check to make sure no water is running in house then go out and look at your meter again. If it has a sweep second hand on it watch it for a minute or two to make sure it is not moving. If it is moving then you have a water leak somewhere. Also compare this bill with several previous ones and see just how much more water was used this month compared to other months. -Good luck
參考: Thirty five years experience living in a home plus five years experience trouble shooting sprinkler systems.
2010-01-01 3:55 am
Here is a site that explains how to read several different water meters,
2010-01-01 2:27 am
500 cubic feet of water is quite a bit:
* 2,300 toilet flushes, or
* 12.5 hot tub refills, or
* 20.8 hours of showering
* 310 dishwasher loads

Maybe this is for a medium sized hotel?

You stated that the previous and current readings on the bill both say 630 (hundreds of cubic feet). If 500 seems the proper difference, then the previous reading was 130, or the current is 1130. Neither jives well with the bill's reading.

Maybe some meter dials rotate in the other direction? If that is the case, some of the digits are one too high. Check again. And while you're there, listen carefully and watch the flow dial to see if any water is being used.
2010-01-01 2:12 am
To find a leak, shut off all of the water in your house ie don't use, then check the meter. It should not be moving, if it is there is a leak somewhere. Be sure it is all off.

Then you have to figure out where.

Good Luck.

The city usu. tells you if your usage is extreme, but...

Happy New Year

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