
2010-01-01 6:04 am
1)This is a picture painted about 200 years ago.(過去分詞在名詞後)

2)This is a painted picture about 200 years ago.(過去分詞在名詞前)

1)He himself did it.

2)He did it by himself.
問題3.這類的文法 個by 幾時用?

回答 (5)

2010-01-01 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)This is a picture painted about 200 years ago.(過去分詞在名詞後)

2)This is a painted picture about 200 years ago.(過去分詞在名詞前)

First of all, "painted" in sentence (1) is a past participle.It is passive voice.
If you write the sentence in detail, it will be " This is a picture (which was)
painted about 200 years ago." But, in general, we always take away " which
was/is (be) " because of convenience or ellipsis. So, you should pay attention
to this point from my point of view. Sentence (1) is gramatically correct.

Second, "painted" is not a past participle . It has been changed into
an adjective. If you put "painted" in that place,it implies that you try to describe a picture which is painted with something like colors. Definitely,
sentence (2) is gramatically correct.

1)He himself did it.

2)He did it by himself.

" By " is used to accentuate the subject who does the action. In sentence (1),
the formation of " himself " shows that carries the same effect (accentuate the subject who does the action) .So,whether using "by" depends largely on your choice.
參考: based on my knowledge
2010-01-02 10:50 pm


2010-01-01 11:43 pm
In sentence 1, the phrase "about 200 years ago" is used to modify the word "painted'. It tells us when the picture was painted.
Therefore, it is grammatically correct.

2010-01-01 15:43:38 補充:
In sentence 2, the phrase is used to modify the clause "this is a painted picture".Then, the word "is" has to been changed to "was'. The meaning of the sentence is "about 200 years ago, it was a painted picture. Now it is not."
2010-01-01 10:00 pm
This is a painted picture.........PAINTED是分詞participle的.p.p.過去分詞作 adj 去形容picture.

about 200 years ago.......整句phrase修飾句前[ 已 ( 被劃好 ) 的圖畫].......在這[短語phrase]內的AGO( adv )只是形容二百年.adv是容許在prep. phrase內作說明. 跟句前的picture完全無關.
2010-01-01 6:37 am
wilsonkahin 認為第二句的文法正確,這一點我有保留。你如何解釋 picture 後面的 phrase "about 200 years ago"?如果認為這 phrase 是 adjective phrase 形容 picture,那麼 ago 這個字便用錯了吧?

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