Copenhagen climate submit 2009

2010-01-01 2:15 am
i wanna find some newspaper passages about this meeting of this year 2009 which was held in december. thx

回答 (4)

2010-01-02 2:32 am
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News 1 )

Miliband: UN conference “a chaotic process dogged by procedural games”
In an article in the Guardian, the British climate secretary raises questions about the structure and nature of future climate negotiations.
Michael von Bülow

21/12/2009 15:10

According to British climate minister Ed Miliband, the UN climate conference in Copenhagen was “a chaotic process dogged by procedural games”.

“The procedural wrangling was, in fact, a cover for points of serious, substantive disagreement,” Miliband writes, referring to the fact that China, “despite the support of a coalition of developed and the vast majority of developing countries” vetoed 50 percent reductions in global emissions by 2050 and 80 percent reductions by developed countries.

While welcoming the progress made during the last year’s climate negotiations and the “real outcomes” in the Copenhagen Accord – including finance for poor countries – Miliband raises the question of the structure and nature of future international climate negotiations.

“The last two weeks at times have presented a farcical picture to the public. We cannot again allow negotiations on real points of substance to be hijacked in this way. We will need to have major reform of the UN body overseeing the negotiations and of the way the negotiations are conducted,” he writes.

I hope I can help you=)

2010-01-01 18:34:44 補充:
The Copenhagen Accord, agreed by major economies including the US and China, made a commitment to limit the rise in global temperatures to two degrees Celsius and raise 100 billion US dollars annually by 2020 to help developing countries fight climate change.
參考: website
2010-01-02 10:54 pm

2010-01-02 2:44 am
''Recognising the scientific view that the increase in global temperatures ought not to exceed 2 degrees, and on the basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development, parties commit to a vigorous response through immediate and enhanced national action based on strengthened international cooperation."


"Ambitious action to mitigate climate change is needed with developed countries taking the lead.

Parties recognise the critical impact of climate change on countries particularly vulnerable to its adverse effect and stress the need to establish a comprehensive adaptation programme including international support.

Deep cuts in global emissions are required."


"Annex One parties to the Convention commit to implement, individually or jointly, the quantified economy-wide emissions targets for 2020 as listed, yielding in aggregate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of "X" percent in 2020 compared to 1990 and "Y" percent in 2020 compared to 2005."


"Non Annex One parties to the Convention resolve to implement mitigation actions based on their specific national circumstances. Frequency of submissions of non Annex One parties will be every 2 years...subject to their domestic auditing and assessment...Clarification may, upon request, be provided by the party concerned at its discretion to respond to any question contained in a national communication...Supported nationally appropriate mitigation actions shall be subject to international verification."

2010-01-01 18:45:54 補充:
FUNDS "Scaled up, new and additional, predictable and adequate funding shall be provided by developed country parties.

Parties shall provide new and additional resources of $30 billion for 2010-12.

2010-01-01 18:46:24 補充:
In the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, the parties support the goal of mobilising jointly $100 billion a year to address the climate change needs of developing countries.

2010-01-01 18:46:38 補充:
This funding will come from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources of finance.

A Copenhagen Climate Fund shall be established as an operating entity."

2010-01-01 18:46:46 補充:

"The parties call for a review of this decision and implementation in 2016 (Negotiations on a legal text would continue) with a view to adopting one or more legal instruments under the convention as soon as possible and no later than Cop 16 (a meeting due in Mexico in November 2009)"

2010-01-01 18:49:54 補充:
中文news searching:
英文news searching:
2010-01-01 2:37 am
You can find news items at the official site of 15th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) held from the 7th to 18th December 2009 ----
For examples: ----The essentials in Copenhagen

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