Kaplan/Aston 遙距課程

2009-12-31 8:06 am
我將打算報讀一些在港舉辦的distance learning課程,請問University College Dublin (National University of Ireland, Dublin) 還是 University of Birmingham 的認受性較高?

另外,有聽過The Association of Common wealth Universites,NCC和 The Association of Business Executives 嗎?那個認受性較高?


回答 (2)

2009-12-31 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Suggest you study local university co-ordination programe
you may go to HKU SPACE, HKBU SCE, CITYU SCOPE, POLYU SPEED, CUHK SCS, etc...website to find the programe (認受性較高)

If only Kaplan or Aston two choice, I will choice Kaplan.
It is because Kaplan is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Washington Post Company (NYSE: WPO). 華盛頓郵報
參考: myself
2010-01-09 8:55 am
NUI Dublin 在愛爾蘭共和國,U of Birmingham 在英國,兩者來自不同國家,學術性或制度略有參差,不過以排名計 以前者 NUI 較高,尤以管理/商科較受歡迎,因而認受性較高。 HKMA Prime 香港管理學會所舉辦的 distance-learning 課程值得你去參考。

The Association of Commonwealth Universities is the accreditation authority of all the tertiary institutions including universities and polytechics etc. in the British Commonwealth, which inclues not only the United Kingdom but also Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, ...... etc.

NCC stands for the National Computing Centre of the UK. It offers the Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Computer Studies courses, and also the Certificate in System Analysis and Design. HKMA Prime and ABRS both can offer the NCC computer courses.

Association of Business Executives (ABE) is an international examining body and provider of business and management qualificaions, leading to bachelors and masters degree routes. ABE has awarding body status in the UK and is recognized worldwide. The ABE offers high-quality business qualifications worldwide.

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