Can anyone recommend a good virus/outbreak fiction novel?

2009-12-30 10:59 pm
I am a pretty big reader and i'm looking for for something new. I've recently read The Judas Strain by James Rollins and Black Monday by R.Scott Reiss and am in the mood for a book along those lines. Any recommendations?

回答 (3)

2009-12-30 11:16 pm
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"The Andromeda Strain" by Michael Crichton is an older but still great outbreak/virus story; a classic by now.

His book "Prey" deals with a slightly different kind of outbreak, a technological experiment gone wrong. One (a zillion?) that get(s) loose, of course = an outbreak.

Crichton wrote most of the better ones along those lines, in my opinion.
He usually wrote fiction - as these two books are.
參考: Have read books mentioned.
2009-12-31 7:05 am
I Am Legend
2009-12-31 7:03 am
The Stand by Stephan King.

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