Tip to tail method 既問題

2009-12-30 9:23 pm
-佢話可以find the total displacement by adding all displacement of different sections.

-如埋TIP TO TAIL 其實係用黎做咩?

回答 (3)

2009-12-31 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Displacement is a vector quantity. It has magnitude and direction. A vector can be represented graphically by an "arrow". The numerical number given to each vector (i.e. displacement) represents the "magnitude", and the direction of the "arrow" gives the direction of the vector.

You cannot just add all numerical values together, because the displacements are not all in the same direction.

You need to arrange all the "arrows" (that represent displacement vectors) one follow the other, with the "tip" of an arrow toucing the "tail" of the preceding arrow, but keeping the direction of the arrows unchanged. After such arrangement, the resultant vector (resultant displacement) is found by joining the tip of the first arrow and the tail of the last arrow. The direction of the resultant vector is in the direction from the tail of the last arrow to the tip of the first arrow.

For example, if two vector, one horizontal and one vertical, are added together. These two vectors form the two sides of a right angle triangle. The resultant vector is then represented, in magnitude and direction, by the hypothenus.

2009-12-31 6:30 pm
2009-12-31 5:21 am
要搵total displacement, 你只要搵出起點同終點之間的距離就可以搵到total displacement
例如一個人由A行前10m到B, 再行返黎2m到C, total displacement 就係A到C既距離, 8m

Tip to tail 係用黎搵resultant force的
例如F1有5N向north, F2有5N向east,
| = F1向north 的, ---- = F2向east的
resultant force 就係F3, / = F3 向north east
| /
| /
咁就係將F1 既tail 駁去F2既tip
參考: myself

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