Happy Farm

2009-12-30 8:50 pm
How do play Happy Farm????

How do Go Lv?

回答 (2)

2009-12-30 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When buying a seed, you need to click the seed you want to buy and type in how many you want to buy.

Flowers can be used to earn gold coins and also can be sent as a gift. A flower seed can give you 2 to 5 flower units.

Different fertilizers can shorten all kinds of crops growing time by different time. Flower dye can change a flower’s color. Extra strength is the most powerful weapon when you experience a big bug.

Decorations can be purchased at Props which are to enhance and personalize a farm’s appearance. Click on the decoration to select the one you want to display on your farm.

Plant your crop seeds by selecting the seed that you want to plant from your inventory then select the plot of land. Each plot of land can be used to cultivate one seed every time.

Once you have planted the seeds, you’d better regularly look after them. Your crops produce more harvest the better you take care of them. Your crops won't die if attacked by weeds, pests or drought, but if you neglect them, they will produce less harvest for you. Fertilizers can help you increase the harvest. Exterminate any weeds, pests and dry land that would harm your crops with Clear Weeds, Kill Pests and Water Crops.

Once there are fully seasoned crops on your land, you can collect their harvest. You can collect your harvest by selecting on the Collect Harvest icon at the right hand side and then clicking on the crops you want to harvest. Open your Barn and click on the harvest you want to sell, you will get gold coins.

Crops that cannot produce anymore become withered. In this case, you will need to remove the withered crop from your land. Click on the Plow Land icon at the right hand side to shovel out the withered crop and prepare your land for new crops.

(this is the Basics)
To level up: plant more plants

more information : http://apps.facebook.com/happyfarmers/?mod=faq

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