和母親名下公屋住 母不同住 妻同住 申請綜援一問

2009-12-30 2:58 pm
現在失業 住在公屋 房証是我和母親的名字 但母親住在朋友家 不常回來 ! 我和老婆(內地來港3個月探親)的住在公屋 !
個人已經剩下幾十元 想揾到工先 但目前很難捱 , 老婆沒事做 母親只是做緊partime 收入不過3k , 她有買保險
想問可以申請綜援嗎 ? 或者有個什麼自立更生計畫 拿綜援同時找job
因為和母親沒有聯繫 , 我怕她那邊情況有買保險 或者不是每天都住在我和她的公屋單位 而申請綜援 反而影響居住許可
請好心之人解答 !

回答 (3)

2009-12-31 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
想問可以申請綜援嗎 ?可以

Your asset value if not over their limited.


Can call the social welfare dept, check the nearest one nearby your living address.

But you need to live somewhere else and delete your name of the 公屋 房証

and you need to have a separate address of your mother.means you need to rent somewhere and pay the rent first, cause the first month of your application date is not count and have no allowance, the second month you allowance will pay upon your application is successful.

Hope this can help you.
2010-01-01 11:14 pm


2009-12-31 11:48 pm

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