英文高手 pz.........

2009-12-30 6:56 am
1. for the rest of that day, all we had to do was catch each other's eye
2. for the rest of that day, all we had to do was catching each other's eye


maxmax1011 錯了. 第一句係抄自一本小說的 我想知點解. 有無人答到我.


maxmax1011 你節儉少少ok!?


forallforumsuse 你節儉少少ok!?

回答 (3)

2010-01-01 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
all wrong.

for the rest of that day,(冇問題,可以唔睇)
另外all we had to do was ..........
=all that we had to do was ...........
=all(that we had to do )was...(,可以唔睇that clause)

=all was....

最後all was catch each other's eye(完全冇此格式_was catch)
all was catching each other's eye(有此格式_過去進行式)


all係死物or一件事都係死物,它不能catch some thing,所以要用passive voice.
就係呢點 was catching, 係錯的.

反而第一句ADD to改為
all was to catch each other's eye


,但each other's eye有冇錯就唔肯定,

2010-01-04 10:02:15 補充:

2010-01-04 10:17:22 補充:
1. for the rest of that day, all we had to do was catch each other's eye

你第一句係冇 was catch此格式,如果對的我切。
仲有九成九你打錯因為你話copy from a novel. 應該係was to catch,有此等格式
參考: 你話呢
2010-01-05 11:01 pm
不應在原動詞had之後再有動詞was.用[副詞從句]+that去形容all we had to do

Q1 : all we had to do [ that we was to catch each other's eye.副詞從句]
OR : all we had to do [ we was to catch each other's eye.]作object將that隱藏.

Q2 : catching [gerund]含有進行中意思.時態已超越to do是不合理.應用to catch[infinitive].
2009-12-30 7:10 am
1.for the rest of that day, all we had to do was catch each other錯誤
2.for the rest of that day, all we had to do was catching each other正確

2009-12-30 15:55:56 補充:

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