indirect question questions

2009-12-30 1:00 am
1 Would you tell me whether the application is begin?

2I would like to know where the application form can get?

3May i know whether apply for the course need parents letters?

4I would like to know what the duration of the course start?

5May i know what facilities and location are?

回答 (2)

2009-12-30 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 Would you tell me whether the application have begun?

2I would like to know where the application form can I get.

3May i know whether the application for the course need parents letters or not?

4I would like to know when will the the course start.

5May i know what facilities and location are there?
參考: myself
2009-12-30 5:48 am
1 Would you tell me when the application begins?

2 I would like to know where the application form can I get.

3May i know whether the application of the course needs parents letters?

4I would like to know when the course starts.

5May i know what the facilities are and what locations are they in?
(May I know what the facilities and the locations are?)

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