Shakira-Whenever wherever中英文歌詞

2009-12-29 9:54 pm
請問大家有沒有Shakira-Whenever wherever的中英文歌詞(20點!!!)

回答 (1)

2010-01-02 11:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Lucky you were born that far away 幸運的,你在遠方出生
So, we could both make fun of distance 所以,我倆可以拿距離來說笑
Lucky that I love a foreign man for 幸運的,我愛一個外國人
The lucky fact of your existance你的存在,就是這幸運的事實
Baby I would climb the Andes solely親愛的,我會單獨地攀登安第斯山脈(比喻愛人的身體)
To count the freckles on your body 去數算你身體上的雀斑
Never could imagine there were only 從來不能想像,
So many ways to love somebody 有那麼多方式去愛一個人
Le ro lo le lo le Le ro lo le lo le
Can't you see...I'm at your feet 你還不明白嗎?我被你降服了!

Whenever, Wherever 無論何時,無論在何處,
We're meant to be together我們注定是在一起的
I'll be there and you'll be near 我將會在那裡,你也會靠近
And that's the deal, my dear 親愛的,那亦是個承諾,
You're over, you're under 你在遠、你在近,
You'll never have to wonder 你永不需要懷疑
We can always play by ear 我們總能貼近地玩笑
But that's the deal my dear 但是我親愛的,那是個承諾

Lucky that my lips not only mumble 幸運的,我的嘴唇不單只能含糊地說話,
They spill kisses like a fountain 它們湧出如噴泉的吻
Lucky that my breasts are small and humble幸運的,我的乳房是細小而不顯眼
So you don't confuse them with mountains 那麼,你不會混淆了它們是山脈,
Lucky I have strong legs like my mother幸運的,我像母親 ,有強壯的腿
To run for cover when i need it 當我需要保護時,可以跑去爭取 (cover可有多個解釋,這裡不清楚)
And these two eyes are for no other而這兩眼不為別的人存在
The day you leave I will cry a river 你離開的那天,我會淚如泉湧
Le ro lo le lo le Le ro lo le lo le
At your feet...I'm at your feet 被你降服了,我被你降服了

Whenever, Wherever 無論何時,無論在何處,
We're meant to be together我們注定是在一起的
I'll be there and you'll be near 我將會在那裡,你也會靠近
And that's the deal, my dear 親愛的,那亦是個承諾,
You're over, you're under 你在遠、你在近,
You'll never have to wonder 你永不需要懷疑
We can always play by ear 我們總能貼近地玩笑
But that's the deal my dear 但是親愛的,那是個承諾

Le ro lo le lo le Le ro lo le lo le
We can fly, say it again 我們可飛翔,再說一次,
Le ro lo le lo le lo le
Tell me one more time 再次告訴我,
That you're there lost in my eyes 你迷失在我的眼神中

2010-01-02 15:19:51 補充:
**Whenever, wherever 無論何時,無論在何處,
We're meant to be together 我們注定是在一起的
I'll be there and you'll be near 我將會在那裡,你也會靠近
And that's the deal my dear 親愛的,那亦是個承諾,
You're over, you're under 你在遠、你在近,

2010-01-02 15:20:03 補充:
You've got me head over heels 你令我神魂顛倒
There's nothing left to fear 不需要害怕甚麼
If you really feel the way I feel 如果你真的與我有同樣的感覺**

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