中譯英 幫忙翻譯一下 好人有好報~

2009-12-29 8:30 pm


請各位多多幫忙 以後有需要幫忙時 本人也會義不容辭


回答 (9)

2009-12-30 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. We are astonished by the amazing nature.
2. It is uninspiring over there.
3. Cool air refreshes oneself.
4. This is such an impressive scenario.
5. Flowers are bright and lively.
6. The Sun sets in the west.
參考: hkslot
2009-12-31 1:36 am
1. we are out of control to exclaim in surprise the nature mystery.
There 2. lacks any spark of life.
3. cool air cause human's spirit one to inspire for it.
4. this are one causes the human impression profound picture.
5. flowers bright have the vitality.
6. sun is falling on the West.
2009-12-30 8:19 pm
1. We can not help but marvel the magic of nature.
2. There is no anger.
3. Cool the air people's spiritual refreshing.
4. This is an impressive scene.
5. Flowers are bright and lively.
6. The sun falls on the West.
參考: 自己
2009-12-29 11:51 pm
1. We can't help marvelling at the mystery of nature.
2. There is no vigor.
3. Cool air buoyes(boostes greatly) one's spirits.
4. It is a scene that deepens one's spirits.
5. Flowers are bright-coloured and lively.
6. The sun is falling o the West.

2009-12-29 15:52:45 補充:
Coreection : The sun is falling o the West ---------> The sun is falling on the West.

2009-12-29 19:45:56 補充:
Correction : 4. It is a scene that deepens one's spirits ------> It is a scene that deepens one's impresson.
2009-12-29 11:41 pm
1. we are out of control to exclaim in surprise the nature mystery.there

2. lacks any spark of life.
3. the cool air causes person's spirit one to inspire for it.
4. this is one causes the person impression profound picture.
5. the flower bright has the vitality.
6. the sun is falling on the West
2009-12-29 9:01 pm
1. We can not help but marvel the magic of nature.
2. There is no anger.
3. Cool the air people's spiritual refreshing.
4. This is an impressive scene.
5. Flowers are bright and lively.
6. The sun falls on the West.
2009-12-29 8:56 pm
1. we are out of control to exclaim in surprise the nature mystery.

2. lacks any spark of life.

3. the cool air causes person's spirit one to inspire for it.

4. this is one causes the person impression profound picture.

5. the flower bright has the vitality.

6. the sun is falling on the West.
2009-12-29 8:47 pm
1. We can not help but marvel the magic of nature.
2. There is no anger.
3. Cool the air people's spiritual refreshing.
4. This is an impressive scene.
5. Flowers are bright and lively.
6. The sun falls on the West.
2009-12-29 8:46 pm
1.We can't help exclaiming the mystery of the nature.

2.Fine long hair lethargy there.

3.The cool air makes people's spirit inspire.

4.This is that one enables person's scene picture with deep impression.

5.Flowers are bright-colored and dynamic.

6.The sun is dropping on the west.
參考: 自己

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