
2009-12-29 5:49 am

回答 (4)

2009-12-29 8:16 am
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Dinner 解 晚餐(evening meal), 主餐(chief meal of the day)和正餐(formal meal), 和飲宴大餐(banquet)。 Dinner 不一定在晚上進食的,中午也有。(中古時代是在早上吃呢!)

Supper 解 晚餐(evening meal), 通常指普通的,不是特別豐富的晚餐。

在現今社會,supper 和 dinner 大致都通用為晚餐,不過如果想表示較豐富的,例如聖誕或新年大餐,或者請人食豐富晚飯,會用 dinner。如果想表示普通或較輕的(light)晚餐,會用 supper。
2009-12-29 6:53 am
During the mid 1800s, mention is made of up to five meals a day, particularly among the wealthier classes both North & South (but especially in the Northern states). These meals were Breakfast, Luncheon, Tea, Dinner and Supper. Both Dinner and Supper parties were mentioned in letters and memoirs.
The dinner party was a more formal affair, that lasted for up to three hours (!), featuring many courses and agonizingly long conversations. It took up most of the late afternoon and evening. The supper party was usually given during a dance or entertainment, and consisted of a light meal late in the evening.
The American Heritage Cookbook and Illustrated History of American Eating & Drinking
by the Editors of American Heritage Magazine
Pub 1964 by the American Heritage Publishing Co, Inc.


2009-12-28 22:59:27 補充:
2009-12-29 6:00 am
dinner : 晚餐;正餐

supper : 晚餐,晚飯

其實冇分別.....- -英文字好多都同meaning架啦~~
2009-12-29 5:55 am
參考: me

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