F.2 history關於the Renaissance~~

2009-12-29 3:11 am
1.Why Renaissance happened?

2.How long did the Renaissance last ?

3.What is the italian Renaissance ?

4.What is the significance of the Renaissance ?

5.How did the Renaissance change Europe ?

6.How did art change during the Renaissance ?

7. What is Reaissance Art ?

8.What are the effects of the Renaissance ?


唔該你地呀!! 唔一定要黎晒架!!plzzzzzzz...

回答 (1)

2010-01-01 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.Why Renaissance happened?

In the 12th cent. a rediscovery of Greek and Roman literature occurred across Europe that eventually led to the development of the humanist movement in the 14th cent. In addition to emphasizing Greek and Latin scholarship, humanists believed that each individual had significance within society. The growth of an interest in humanism led to the changes in the arts and sciences that form common conceptions of the Renaissance.
2.How long did the Renaissance last ?
The first Renaissance occurred during the 12th century. The second Renaissance lasted from the 14-16th centuries and spread from Italy.
Renaissance Timeline
1209-1255: The Albigensian Crusades
1260: Nicola Pisano decorates the Pisa Bapistry
1291" Acre falls to the Mamlukes who slaughter everyone inside the city.
1297: Battle of Sterling Bridge: Braveheart fame
1298: Battle of Falkirk: Death of W. Wallace
1302 Dante begins the “Divine Comedy”
1307 The Templar roundup by Philip IV , beginning of the end of the order.
1311 : Duccio uses perspective in Siena
1314: Battle of Bannockburn
1334: Giotto is put in charge of public works in Florence
1338: EdwardI's claim to throne of France causes Hundred Years'War.
1341:Petrarch is crowned “Poet Laureate” in Rome
1346 : Edward III's son the Black Prince wins victory over French at Crecy.
1353: Boccaccio’s “Decameron” is published
1356: Black Prince defeats and captures French King Jean II at Poitiers.
1386 : Chaucer begins his “Canterbury Tales”
1390 : Cennino Cennini’s “book of Painting”
1401 : Ghiberti wins the competition for the Florence Baptistry doors
1402-1403 : Richard III campaigns in Scotland and Wales
1410 : Battle of Grunwald: took place between the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and their allies on one side, and the Knights of the Teutonic Order on the other.
1415 : Henry V wins great victory over French at Agincourt.
1417-1436 : Brunellischi creates the dome of Florence Cathedral ........(TO BE CONT. IN SUPPL & NEXT QUESTIONS)

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1429: Joan of Arc leads French to break English siege of Orleans.
1435: The Medici family dynasty begins in France
1450: Alberts begins his treatise on architecture
1455: First printed book, the Gutenberg Bible is published
1455: Wars of the Roses

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1465: Giovanni Bellini and Mantegna both paint versions of “The Agony in the Garden”
1470-1480 Oil painting reached Italy
1479-1488 Verrocchio’s equestrian statue of Colleoni
1480: Botticelli’s “Primavera”

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1494: Charles VIII of France invades Italy
1498: Erasmus visits England
1497-1500 Michelangelo’s “Pieta”
1500: Giorgione’s “Tempesta”
1504-1505 Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”
1505-1507 Durer in Venice
1512: Raphael’s “Sistine Madonna”

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1513: Machiavelli begins “The Prince”
1516: Leonardo da Vinci goes to France
1517: Luther begins the Protestant Reformation
1525: Battle of Pavia
1533: Titian is appointed court painter to Emperor Charles V
1563: Final session of Council of Trent

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1564: Death of Michelangelo
1588: Death of Veronese
1594: Death of Tontoretto

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3.What is the italian Renaissance ?

The Italian Renaissance was as the name implies the rebirth of painting. This does not imply that all the advances of painting came from this period but that the masters learned to combine new and old.

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The Italian artist Masaccio, was referred to by some as the father of Renaissance painting. The Renaissance is accepted as beginning in Florence in about 1420 and was brought into being by the confident and vigorous Florentine Republic under the ruling Medici family

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who wanted to revive the glories of Greece and imperial Rome. The first architect of the Renaissance was Filipo Brunelleschi who designed the dome of the Cathedral and the Foundling Hospital in Florence, both exist today.

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Much of what we now describe as Renaissance art was actually created in the 16th century such as the work of Leonardo de Vinci, Michaelangelo and Gianlorenzo Bernini.

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4.What is the significance of the Renaissance ?

The Renaissance period is significant because of the Awakening of Enlightenment. In all sciences and arts, people were beginning to emancipate themselves from the dogmas of the
Catholic church.

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In art, this lead towards a naturalistic style based on the analysis of what is seen in nature, instead of applying symbolic pictorial languages. Leonardo da Vinci is considered the major figure in this process, and it is not by accident that

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he was a universal genius who not only painted (everyone knows the Mona Lisa), but also was one of the most influential scientists of his time. The emancipation from Christian dogmas led to a renewed interest in Pagan antiquity,

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hence the name Renaissance. Greek and Roman art and culture became a model for the art and architecture styles of the Renaissance.

2009-12-31 23:47:10 補充:
5.How did the Renaissance change Europe ?

The Renaissance did not only change Europe. It changed the world. The introduction of classical humanistic ideas caused people to truly question openly for the first time in history
without fear. Not only was there an explosion in cultural forms of art,

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such as mannerism and baroque, but people also shared ideas regarding society and politics. Machiavelli wrote "The Prince" during the Renaissance and became the father of modern political theory. He wrote his work hundreds of years ago and we're still studying it and applying it today.

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You also had the split from the Roman Catholic Church that created religious wars until today. Art soared to unsurpassed heights with Michaelangelo's Sistine ceiling. Durer, in the Northern Renaissance created engravings for the printing press,

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allowing the common man (for the first time ever) to have art and communication made available. People went from absolute monarchies, to balance of power and diplomacy to solve disputes. It truly was an age of advancement for humanity.

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Likewise, many artists in France continued to paint fine altarpieces in the Gothic tradition. Under the influence of Flemish and Italian art, France produced admirable portraitists such as Fouquet and Clouet. Francis I invited Italian painters and architects to his court,

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including Leonardo and Andrea del Sarto. In the 1530s the influence of mannerism began to be felt, particularly at Fontainebleau. Artists in England and Spain were influenced by Netherlandish painting until the 16th cent., when the Italian Renaissance began to permeate whole of Europe.
參考: Encyclopedia +ME

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