
2009-12-29 2:02 am
我覺得中一代數好難, 完全唔識 sequence 又係 點算 我係讀英中嘅. 阿sir 成日講d書無嘅代數例子.好難明. sequence就講用1條公式就可以揾到n th term.

請讀書高手help me

回答 (2)

2009-12-29 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

sequence examples:

-6,-5,-4,-3.........general term: -7+n / n-7

method: find the term before the first term(-7).

-1,+1,-1,+1.......general term: -1 to the power n

IS: Try to draw the LS diagram, study the experiments, read your books and workbooks.

2010-01-01 12:20:22 補充:
I use this formula, my maths can get 92 marks, and IS can get 91 marks! XD

Do your school have non core syllabus? You need revise it too! You will get a higher score!
參考: I love Maths & Science XDD
2010-01-01 6:18 am

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