Short speech請把下列中文釋做英文

2009-12-28 8:29 pm
Short speech


1) 今個星期五已是2010年 (請用全寫), 祝所有人新年快樂.

2) 近幾日天氣寒冷, 請保重身體

回答 (3)

2009-12-28 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) This Friday is going to be the year two thousand and ten (或twenty ten). I wish you all to have a joyous new year.

2) It was getting cold these few days, please keep warm and take good care of yourselves.

2009-12-29 5:38 am
1. The coming Friday is going to be year 1010. I wish everybody a happy new year.

2. It's getting cold lately so take care.
2009-12-28 9:47 pm
1)This Friday is the year 2010, I wish everyone a Happy New Year
2)Recent days the cold weather, please take care of themselves
hope can help you
參考: google 字典+myself

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