use the periodic table to describe the chemical properties of the following elements. a indone b krypton Kr?

2009-12-27 6:06 pm
use the periodic table to describe the chemical properties of the following elements. a indone b krypton Kr

回答 (2)

2009-12-28 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is not an element called Indone!

You'll find plenty on Krypton at :
參考: rtc
2016-12-17 7:27 am
As a bio-chem undergrad. i stumble on that i did no longer memorize the 1st 2 rows the table on purpose. Memorization of the 1st 2 rows come from doing homework issues back and back back. via the time you get with the aid of introductory and ordinary chemistry, you will a minimum of comprehend the atomic extensive form and mass of H, N, C, and O interior the back of your head. in all probability even some different factors including Cl, Fl, B, S, I, Na, Li, Fe..etc.. yet a number of my instructors has pronounced, different than for some regularly used factors, something of the periodic table must be used as procedures, no longer memorized.

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