英文既usage 問題(which.../a,an../..

2009-12-28 5:48 am
1. a hair 定 an hair
2. a health drink 同 a healthy drink既分別
3. Uncounterable 之後既 verb 使唔使加s
eg.Water flow/flows?
4. regret to 同 regret v+ing 有咩分別
5. none 點用? 同用既時候 d 單眾數應該點....
6. The reason .... he is always late for school is that he gets up late.
A. for which B. which
點解which 唔得.
-同埋我有時見到 of which , from which 又係點黎?

回答 (1)

2009-12-28 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 理論上a hair,因為hair不是a,e,i,o,u開始或vowl音開始,所以不會用an,但是由於hair唔係可數的量化詞,傳統上要用一些modifier或量數詞來表達多少hair,就算是一條也是要說one xxx of hair,視乎你識字的程度來看你可以填乜xxx。最簡單是piece, string, strand, etc. a hair可以說一定會被人話寫錯。

2. a health drink是一種名為健康飲料的東西,a healthy drink是一杯會令人健康的飲料。

3. 一般要,因為當成是單數。但有時要看意會那uncountable的內容是指單數collective還是以uncountable代表眾數。請留意現代英語water已經係可以成為countable的寫法,Many waters flow from the tallest mountains of the world to supply fresh water for 2/3 of the world's population. 這裏的waters是指水源或河水的來源,所以是可數之數,但亦用這詞作為一個水源的類別。這只是我作的句子,但多看報紙和國際雜誌會常看到waters。

4. regret to verb應該用於一種行動verb,I am regret to inform you xxx...是表示你下面會inform讀者一件壞消息。regret v+ing以gerund的話應該是一件已成定局的作為這verb的詞,I am regret leaving the burner on that lead to burning down the factory.我對沒有關上火爐而引致燒毀全間廠房表示歉意。
假如用上文inform為verb+ing:I am regret informing則對同一件事不能成立。但假如你出錯了press release新聞稿,則可以說:I am regret informing the press XXX but it should be yyy...

5. none解冇,正如你說係數量上用,但主要用作adverb。
Do you have any money? No, I have none.
None of our class is going to Mary's party.我個班冇人(單數)會去Mary攪的派對。

6. 由於係問reason,所以英文句式for the reason that he gets up late so he is always late for school主導了這句用,又或者用一個問題式問自己For what reason...,所以作句時the reason for which...。其他句式亦是由內容主導會用上of which:The steps to complete the task are X, Y, Z - In order to complet the task, of which steps X, Y, Z are to be taken. OF 是這工作所包含(of)的步驟。 from是由那裏/由來等意思主導:He contributes large amount of money, from which we can help millions of refugee in Africa. (因為)他巨大的捐款,由此我們可以幫助在非洲過百萬的難民。
這些x which是英文引伸句式的用法,即是在句子中附加一點解釋或詳述,所以of, for, in, by等的prep都會用到,要看全句和配會文句中作附加注解時的意思。

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