文法問題 PLZ

2009-12-28 1:57 am
the last time i sailed in a yacht club race with my father i was fourteen, and he was dead set against it.

thankyou [email protected]! you are awesome!!

回答 (3)

2009-12-28 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The last time i sailed in a yacht club race with my father i was fourteen, and he was dead set against it.

The above sentence is grammatically correct.

It becomes more obvious when we simplify the sentence, say, to "I was fourteen the last time I saw my father". Then even more so when we reorganize it to "the last time I saw my father I was fourteen".

In the second part of the sentence, "dead set against" is correct because it is an idiom.

2009-12-27 18:41:36 補充:
The simplification given is just an example, to domonstrate that the original sentence is grammatically correct. It is not a true simplified sentence, nor a replacement.

2009-12-28 04:21:12 補充:
樓主顯然已經知道 dead set against 解完全反對 (totally against),不是 "died" or "dead"。
參考: myself
2009-12-28 5:41 am
That was the last time. I sailed a yacht in club race with my father when I was fourteen
as he died at that moment.....用died不及物動詞.不用形容詞.

That was the last time...........那是最後的一次.

I sailed a yacht..................... 我駕駛了一隻遊艇

in a club race with my father...在一項會所的賽事中和我的父親一同.
將[ a yacht ]放在前作[賓詞]. [ in ]作介詞短語修飾句前 [with]再加以介詞短語說明.

when I was fourteen...............那時我才十四歲.[when]作連詞,連接此對等句.

as he died at that moment.....正當他死在那時刻.[as]作連詞,再連接對等句.
2009-12-28 2:13 am
The last time I sailed in a Yacht Club race with my father was when I was fourteen, and he was dead against it.

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