6. The aircraft may be anything that meets the following limitations:
a. The aircraft must not use commercially produced remote control systems that are designed for movement
and/or steering. That is, any commercial remote control must be something that was not designed to help a
vehicle travel or to help steer a vehicle or aircraft in order to be allowed to help propel or direct the aircraft.
b. Each must be created by the team or propelled using a team-created system or both. Team-created aircraft
may use commercially produced parts.
c. Each must be different in design from the others. Parts of one aircraft may be used as part of another aircraft.
d. They do not have to carry their propulsion systems.
e. The aircraft must not touch anything when it has traveled beyond the Start Line when attempting a Flight Plan
unless contacting something is required for that Flight Plan.
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7. The propulsion systems used to propel the aircraft:
a. must be created by the team or must propel team-created aircraft or both. The combination may be different
for each aircraft. Team created propulsion systems may use commercially produced parts.
b. must apply energy in a way that is deemed safe by the judges.
c. must be at least three different designs for the six aircraft.
d. may use any type of energy provided it fits within the propulsion categories and the Program Guide limitations.
Teams must use direct human power for one or two aircraft; indirect human power for one or two aircraft;
and two to four aircraft must be mechanically powered.
8. The team will select any three different aircraft and their propulsion systems to be scored in D5-7. These may
include more than one from the same propulsion category.