可否幫我翻譯成英文?? (急!!!)

2009-12-27 9:43 pm
可否幫我翻譯成英文?? Thx!!

- 已積極參與和各部門的初商會議, 和參與陪訓課程. 在工作負擔增加的情況下, 也盡量不影響日常工作.

- 已經將工作範疇上知識和所需, 係會議, 和係 training上提出.

- 每天都會和運輸好好的溝通, 給他們清晰的指引, 以確定在船務安排上順利完成, 和避免出差錯.

回答 (5)

2010-01-01 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

- 已積極參與和各部門的磋商會議, 和參與培訓課程. 在工作負擔增加的情況下, 也盡量不影響日常工作.
*We(I) have actively participate in consultation meetings of various departments and training courses. *Our(My) daily work schedules have not been affected unnecessarily despite the additional workload.

- 已經將工作範疇上知識和所需, 係會議, 和係 training上提出.
*We(I) have brought up the knowledge and needs concerning the scope of *our(my) work at meetings and training sessions.

- 每天都會和運輸好好的溝通, 給他們清晰的指引, 以確定在船務安排上順利完成, 和避免出差錯.
*We(I) communicate well daily with the transportation team, giving them clear instructions, to ensure the smooth completion of shipping arrangements and the prevention of any mistake and discrepancy.

*Use 'We/our" if the above concern your team, 'I/my' if about you only.
2009-12-28 4:18 pm


2009-12-28 1:51 am
And departments have been actively involved in the initial business meetings, and participate in training courses to accompany. In the context of increased workload, but also as far as possible without affecting their daily work.

- Have the knowledge and the necessary areas of work, department meetings, and departmental training raised.

- Daily communication and transportation be properly and give them clear guidelines to determine the successful completion of shipping arrangements, and to avoid mistakes.
2009-12-27 11:50 pm
Actively involved in inter-departmental meetings and participated in trainings without affecting the daily work even with the increase of work load.

Share the knowledge and requirements of the work scope during meetings and trainings.

Communicate with Transportation Department daily, and provide clear guidance on ship arrangements to ensure successful completion and avoid errors.
2009-12-27 9:53 pm
- Has been actively involved and the various sectors of the early business meetings, and participate in training courses to accompany. In the context of increased workload, but also as far as possible without affecting their daily work.

- Have the knowledge and the necessary areas of work, department meetings, and departmental training raised.

- Daily communication and transportation be properly and give them clear guidelines to determine the successful completion of shipping arrangements, and to avoid mistakes.

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