Refer to the diagram.
1. How bright is B?
A. as bright as A + C
B. as bright as A or C
C. dimmer than A or C
D. brighter than A or C
E. none of above (why?)
2. If bulb C is disconnected, how bright is A?
A. as bright as B
B. brighter than B
C. dimmer than B
D. A goes out
Refer to the diagram.
3. What happens to the ammeter reading when the switch is closed?
A. increase
B. decrease, but will not become zero
C. remain unchanged
D. become zero
4. Which of the following electrical devices should be connected in parallel? (1) voltmeter (2) ammeter (3) resister A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only (Why??)
5. Which of the following application(s) of rheostats is/are correct? (1) volume controls (2) dimmers (3) joystick A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. all of them
Diagram: 6. Which bulb is brighter? (Why?)
其實我一直都有個疑問: 就最後的diagram( )為例,同一個circuit上有兩個bulb,electrons負責運啲energy,咁啲electrons點知有兩個bulb,然後再將啲voltage平分?? thx a lot!
7. Fill in the blank. In a circuit, the same current flows through components connected in ____________ .
To 第一位回答我既好人: 我想問關於Q.1. B brighter than A or C, 咁 B's brightness 會否等於 A+C 的光度?? thx!
All the bulb is identical. sor..